Despite my multi-passionate adventurous nature, the me of many moons ago tried hard to contort herself into boxes, conform to social norms, and live and work in ways that ‘made sense’...

Which of course resulted in me pursuing jobs and careers that were the wrong fit.

There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honour your calling. It's why you were born, and how you become

most truly alive.

I know how lonely it can feel to be the only person in your circle who thinks the way you do, and aspires for something different for herself.  

I know how exhausting it is to do work you don’t love, and that drains your energy and sucks the life out of you.

I know how sad it is to have to push your creativity, dreams and passions to the side, because they don’t fit into the current landscape of your life.

But more than this, I know that you have the power to create change and take charge of your future.

The inkling you feel to shake up your work, is your truth talking…

And my friend, it’s not going to go away until you do something about it (I know this, because I tried to ignore mine for years and it would. not. stop. Haha).

So, let’s do something about it shall we?

EXPLORE My mentoring support

I'm an avid learner who’s invested many years and dollars into up-skilling and expanding the ways I support women, like you.

My training has included becoming a licensed Firework Career Coach; a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Strategic Psychotherapist; a Beautiful You Life Coach and Human Design reader. I also have a B.A in Business and Psychology and am currently undertaking a Graduate Certificate of Career Development and Counselling at QUT.

What makes me different?

My mentoring support blends professional training with lived experience, strategy with soul, head with heart, and takes a holistic and deeply personal approach to finding the perfect career for you. 

Let's make your career dreams a reality.

If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and postponing the inevitable (*wink*), and finally say ‘YES!’ to making a change that’s been tugging at your heart-strings for years - then I’d be honoured to support you. 

Book a free call to chat about your vision for your future below, or explore my 1:1 mentoring support here.